Sunday 10 July 2011

Winter Wonderland

I know I was just recently going on about how beautiful Summer is, but I feel I didn't give Winter quite enough credit. Today I went to the Sydney Winter Festival and it was AMAZE. Nice big Ice Rink set up ON the sand, surrounded by yummy food stalls and the Alpine Ski Hut, where all sorts of delights were being served up. 
Now we booked tickets during the week and I was uber excited for ice skating... until I got there and realised that I hadn't been on the ice for about 5 or 6 years. I started to get more and more freaked out and jealous of all the people that were with kids so were able to push the Bobby Skating Aids...

Eventually our time came to get on the ice... I wish I had a photo of me clinging to the rails for the first few laps!

Nat was acting super confident but he resembled Bambi first learning to walk...

So yucky but there's beach behind us!

In the end, we had loads of fun and I didn't fall over so was very pleased with myself. However, clinging onto Nat saw me get a very jammed up wrist from his "momentum"...

Chai Latte Lodge

Nat in his snow get-up

Alpine Ski Hut

Inside the Alpine Ski Hut where we had mulled wine, pretzels, hot chocolate & apple strudel of course! This is how we finished off our weekend/skating adventure. Check out how big the waves were!

Now it just needs to start snowing so that we can live in a Winter Wonderland all the time!

NB Fashion is a lot better in Winter.

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